Work & its Organisation > Work in Organizations QH2 > Participation Dynamics > Organising Others

If You Organise for Others …

The Leader's Perspective

The investigation of Channels that has just been conducted takes the perspective of any member of an organization and how each may experience management. As explained, the particular labeling is not definitive, because there will be a natural variation in personal experience. Anyone can reflect on specific Centres or Channels in the Tree Framework to help them better understand an aspect of their work-life.

If, however, you are a leader, then you will have had a certain degree of responsibility for organising management in the first place. You will want to do the best possible for those beneath you, and be concerned about how they feel on pragmatic grounds if no other. You will need to use the whole Tree Framework to appreciate what is going on. For you, everything in it is relevant.

To apply the Framework to such assist leaders, it must be adjusted using recent findings about Trees from the Architecture Room. At the same time, this will be a test of those Conjectures (see: #23-#25). I will also draw on findings in regard to the emergent hierarchies.

Tree Adjustments

As a result of the recent research mentioned above, certain changes apply. The Tree-form is viewed as a re-ordered Root Hierarchy. The re-ordering is based on a specific projection of influence. (This projection for Structural Hierarchies was identified during the study of Politics, but it is not yet adequately understood.)

I have provisionally incorporated the changes demanded by this perspective in the diagram below: 

  1. There is a standard internal duality that deals with using power to alter reality and is intrinsic to endeavour-RH (see Left column maroon text).
  2. The levels are labeled with a K prefix and each carries the psychosocial pressure of the corresponding Root Level (see Right column black text).
  3. Each Centre has a standard and distinctive process (verb) based on that KL-psychosocial pressure (see black text in Centres), which controls the input or approach to Centre contents (nouns).
  4. The Centre contents define the various states/outputs that exist or must be created (see blue text in Centres).
  5. The Centre outputs occurs under a distinctive psychosocial pressure derived from the Root correspondence. (Because this is still under investigation for Structural Hierarchies, it is not shown.)
  6. The Channels of bi-directional influence have a standardized form initially identified for the Emergent Hierarchies (see violet labels—still tentative).
  7. For comparison, this diagram also shows the Framework's internal duality in the Right column (see maroon text) because this duality still applies.

The diagram will not be further explained: it is provided for your contemplation.

Proposition: The labeling of Channels and the internal duality appear to fit. As well as illuminating the challenge for leaders, it provides some confirmation of the validity of recent research.

Originally posted: 23-May-2014.

All posted material is part of a scientific project and should be regarded as provisional. Visitors are encouraged to think through the topics and propositions for themselves. Copyright © Warren Kinston 2009-2016.
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